Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rank Tracker SEO Software Lets Users Identify Any Undue Pages Ranking in Google Instead of Their Intended Landing Pages

Minsk, Belarus (PRWEB) April 10, 2013 </p><p> Link-Assistant.Com, the world-leading software provider for SEO and social media industry and the company behind SEO PowerSuite and BuzzBundle, announced today that a new feature, letting users spot if any occasional pages of their sites rank in search engines instead of their landing pages. </p>&#13;
<p>For each of their targeted keywords, Rank Tracker users can now specify a landing page they wish to rank in search engines and get notified whenever a wrong page is found in search results instead. This way, Rank Tracker users can maximize traffic, conversions, CTR, user experience and minimize bounce rates.</p>&#13;
<p>"Every site has certain pages that provide better answers to search queries than the rest do, and its important to make sure that these are pages that actually show up in search results," says Viktar Khamianok, CEO, Link-Assistant.Com.</p>&#13;
<p>"Regardless of the number of keywords they track, webmasters who do focused SEO know for sure which page they want seeing for a particular search result. Todays update will surely make their life easier: all theyll need to do now is provide a keyword-URL match and get alerted if a different page gets its way into search results."</p>&#13;
<p>To start using the new feature, users need to restart their software for an auto-update or download the freshest Rank Tracker version from the website.</p>&#13;
<p>Other A-level features of Rank Tracker include:&#13;
<br /></p> Keyword research with 19 advanced methods&#13;
Ranking checks in 341 search engines&#13;
Traffic data from Google Analytics, i.e. Rank Tracker shows the exact number of Visits a keyword brings&#13;
Monitoring personalized search results in Google and Bing&#13;
Both ready-made and custom-tailored SEO and Ranking reports <p>Rank Tracker is one of the four tools in SEO PowerSuite. The other three no less capable apps are:&#13;
<br /></p> WebSite Auditor (on page optimization and site performance improvement)&#13;
SEO SpyGlass (backlink profiles for sites one owns and reverse engineering for competitors)&#13;
LinkAssistant (link management)<p>Keen on internet marketing software? Say hello to Link-Assistant.Com on Facebook, Twitter @LinkAssistant or Google Plus</p>&#13;
<p>*About Link-Assistant.Com*</p>&#13;
<p>Started in 2005, Link-Assistant.Com is the software house, focused on creating software for bloggers, online marketers and social media enthusiasts. The company's products include 1. SEO PowerSuite (all-in-one desktop SEO software) and 2. BuzzBundle (desktop social media management app). To be in the know of Link-Assistant.Coms news, read the company's blog.</p>&#13;
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Orignal From: Rank Tracker SEO Software Lets Users Identify Any Undue Pages Ranking in Google Instead of Their Intended Landing Pages

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