Monday, April 22, 2013

GXT Green Announces 2013 Earth Day Honor Roll Champions

Billerica, MA (PRWEB) April 21, 2013 </p><p> Every year, in celebration of Earth Day, GXT Green recognizes organizations that have made significant contributions to sustainability efforts in their individual companies, their communities, or to the planet. This year, GXT Green is pleased to recognize six individuals and two corporations as champions making a difference for our planet. All individuals who nominated candidates in 2013 are also now doing their part for our environment as well. Each of them has received a free WheelSeal Medallion for their car, which indicates that GXT Green has offset the carbon footprint of their vehicle for the year. </p>&#13;
<p>For 2013, there were 13 finalists chosen from the nominations received. Eight of these nominees were selected by GXT Green judges to receive recognition as champions. Manas Chatterjee, President and CEO of GXT Green commented, "We are thankful that so many individuals are doing so much to protect our environment. We thank these champions and all of the nominees for their accomplishments in sustainability."</p>&#13;
<p>The detailed list of champions, which includes a description of their accomplishments, can be found at</p>&#13;
<p>Public Sector and NGO Champions: </p>&#13;

Orignal From: GXT Green Announces 2013 Earth Day Honor Roll Champions

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