Monday, April 15, 2013

Alcohol Hypnotherapist Georgia Foster Launches Webinar to Share Truths on Over Drinking

(PRWEB UK) 8 April 2013 </p><p> Georgia Foster, one the UKs leading alcohol hypnotherapist is set to run two online webinars where she will share her experiences, knowledge and practical tips on how people can reduce the amount of alcohol they consume.</p>&#13;
<p>Creator of the Drink Less Mind Programme, Foster has helped thousands of people across the globe improve their health, anxiety, self-esteem and relationships. The introduction of webinars is said to be a way of reaching a wider audience. </p>&#13;
<p>Georgia explained:</p>&#13;
<p>I believe self-esteem and under confidence is at epidemic proportions in the Western World. There are many external reasons for this however the most powerful influence comes from within. The mind can hold us back from making great changes in our lives.</p>&#13;
<p>The webinars will touch upon ways to break the mould and regain control of ones life. </p>&#13;
<p>"Theyre not just targeting alcoholics, nor do they aim to advise people on how to stop drinking completely. They aim to educate and provide practical advice for individuals who feel they could benefit from reducing their alcohol intake. </p>&#13;
<p>The webinars have come hot off the heels of the recent Just a Drop study by UCL, which showed that alcohol consumption in England may be much higher than initially expected. &#13;
<br />Chief executive of alcohol education charity Drinkaware explained:</p>&#13;
<p>"It's not unusual for people to under-report how much alcohol they drink, whether thats intentional or not. People dont tend to understand differences in sizes and strengths of popular drinks, or might be unwilling to admit to themselves and others exactly how much they drink.</p>&#13;
<p>Book Your Place Today!</p>&#13;
<p>The Truth About Over Drinking - Tuesday 16th April 8:00pm 9:00pm&#13;
<br />This webinar will uncover the hidden truths of over drinking and how one can improve their daily life through taking control. It will also focus on ways to manage the people who influence your drinking. Click here to book your place</p>&#13;
<p>Believing In You - 23rd April 2013 Tuesday 23rd April 8:00pm 9:00pm&#13;
<br />This webinar will focus on Georgia Fosters powerful psychology theory Inner Dialogue and how it can revolutionise your thinking. Issues such as procrastination, anxiety, fear about change, inability to make decisions easily and effectively will be discussed. &#13;
<br />Click here to book your place</p>&#13;
<p>About Drink Less Mind </p>&#13;
<p>The Drink Less Mind programme is a proven, successful online, fully downloadable course that offers a completely private alternative to expensive therapy and group meetings. Created by leading Hypnotherapist Georgia Foster, it has helped thousands of people around the globe.</p>&#13;
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Orignal From: Alcohol Hypnotherapist Georgia Foster Launches Webinar to Share Truths on Over Drinking

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