Friday, April 19, 2013

Family First Intervention Now Performs Intervention Services for Synthetic Drugs

Orland Park, Illinois (PRWEB) April 18, 2013 </p><p> Family First Intervention is a leader in family interventions that help loved ones struggling with an addiction before it is too late. With the alarming use of synthetic marijuana, known as "spice" or "K2" on the rise, Family First has developed programs to help chronic users of this relatively new and dangerous drug. </p>&#13;
<p>Spice and K2 are unregulated, synthetic marijuana sold in cigarette form or potpourri bags. The substance is made from chemicals and the lack of regulation means that no two batches are the same. This means that there is no way of knowing how much of a given chemical substance is present. At one point, these products were sold legally throughout the country. However, the increasing use of synthetic marijuana among young teens has brought an increase in related hospitalizations. The thousands of phone calls to emergency rooms and crisis centers every year got the attention of DEA officials and lawmakers, who banned the chemicals used to make the synthetic compound and have so far made it illegal for sale in several states. Although Spice and K2 are now illegal in some states, it is still legal in many areas, and continues to be a danger to users. </p>&#13;
<p>Family First nationwide intervention services help families to find the strength to set boundaries with a loved one who may be manipulating the situation to enable them to continue using. In fact, families often enable an addict without realizing it, perhaps hoping that the individual will "hit bottom" eventually and then wake up to their situation. Family First believes that waiting for the worst isn't necessary, and that with professional help, the addict can reach a point where they want to change. Intervention is there to prevent the worst: jail, permanent brain damage or even death. </p>&#13;
<p>Interventions may seem hopeless, especially if someone has tried in vain to get family members to address the severity of their problem. However, a professional interventionist is there to teach the family how to approach the addict without enabling them. They are there to guide them in the intervention, so that their loved one agrees to get help. Unlike a medical doctor or psychiatrist, a professional interventionist specializes in alcohol or drug intervention and understands how to get the sick individual into a state of mind where they are willing to accept help. </p>&#13;
<p>Family First has been doing interventions for over seven years, and has a team of professional interventionists available nationwide. Family First Intervention works with the whole family to illustrate the nature of the addict's manipulative behavior, and the nature of the family's contribution to their addiction. Most importantly, Family First Intervention believes that waiting for loved ones to hit rock bottom may be too late, find an interventionist today and start the path to healing.</p>&#13;
<p>To get in touch with Family First and schedule an intervention today, call or visit their website.</p>&#13;
<p>Contact: Mike Loverde&#13;
<br />Phone: 888-291-8514</p>&#13;
<p>Website: &#13;
<br /> &#13;
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Orignal From: Family First Intervention Now Performs Intervention Services for Synthetic Drugs

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