Sunday, March 31, 2013

Personal Values & Integrity Course at Freedom Treatment Center Helps Addicts Rebuild Their Life

Albion, MI (PRWEB) March 28, 2013

Addiction is known for its ability to corrupt and destroy a persons mind, and Freedom Treatment Centers new Personal Values and Integrity course is being introduced as a way for people to re-establish a strong moral foundation. Drug and alcohol addiction can transform even those who were once good at heart into people who manipulate, lie, steal, cheat and otherwise engage in negative and dishonest behaviors. This course helps students learn to make ethical, positive choices and avoid the behaviors that their addiction helped create.

Students learn all about ethics, morals, responsibility and how integrity is lost and exactly how it can be restored, said Freedom Treatment Center representative Brian Kuehne. We dont believe those suffering from addiction are bad people. We do believe, however, they may do bad things as a result of their addiction and this course helps stop that problem."

The Freedom Centers new course underscores one of the key points of its recovery programs, which is to rebuild a persons life. With a focus on integrity and values, this new course aims to help students stop self-centered thinking. It encourages personal responsibility, ethical action and a greater understanding of how their actions not only affect themselves but also those around them.

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) reports that a clear connection exists between drugs, alcohol and crime. While some offenses are for breaking laws related to drug and alcohol use, others are for offenses that stem from the use, such as stealing to fuel a drug habit or being under the influence while committing a rape, assault, homicide or other crime. NCADD adds that taking away the substance is not enough to constitute recovery. Programs instead need to add accountability into the equation.

The new course places a strong emphasis on accountability, teaching students how to engage in responsible actions that are backed by positive motivations. The course achieves its goals by asking students to review their lives and examine harmful acts they have committed against themselves and others. While the task may appear overwhelming at a glance, Freedom Treatment Center has found it is a vital step in recovery. It helps students understand the effects of their actions, raise their responsibility levels, become accountable for their actions, eradicate guilt, shame and remorse, and truly become free of their past.

Located in a semi-residential pocket of Southern Michigan, Freedom Treatment Center provides the soothing and safe environment and assistance so vital for helping people overcome drug and alcohol addiction. Treatment begins with a natural detoxification and continues with counseling, education and lifestyle changes that help ensure an ongoing and successful recovery.

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